I tried convincing her a lot, but she was never happy about me and Harry being together, she used to completely ignore my talks about how much Harry means to me, everything was vain, I just couldn’t convince her enough. Harry wanted me to go against my mom and get married to him, to tell the truth even I felt the same, I thought once I get married to Harry, things will automatically change, my mom might realize how good a son-in-law Harry is…But somewhere I felt a pinch of going against her, I didn’t have a father, my dad passed away when I was quite young, my mom was the only guide, friend and family for me…
Harry and I started arguing on our marriage, every day we used to end up saying we better break-up if things continue the same and always make up the next day with a kiss on my forehead. I really loved him. Finally I decided to speak to my mother once and for all and even if she permits or not will get married to Harry, it was like 7.00 in the evening, I will never forget that evening my Mom was having coffee and reading a book, I sat in front of her and said “Mom, I’m getting married to Harry, I know you don’t like him, but I love him a lot, I can’t stay without him..so even if you say NO I will and want to spend the rest of my life with him” My mother had tears in her eyes, she said “I will be really happy if Harry and you are together, but there is something I want to share…”
I was confused, coz’ my mom was always against Harry, suddenly a change of mind…My mother continued…”I have hidden a fact from you, I’m HIV Positive, I came to know about this only a couple of months back, I did not want to scare you by sharing this truth about me, I always want you to be happy, I want you to settle with your love and live a happy life…” Please go ahead and don’t share this scary truth with him… my mom was literally crying hard, I was in complete silence, I did not know what to say, or how to react suddenly this came like nowhere, I just went to my room…She came to my room and asked “Will you still love me..Will you still hug me…I did not wait to hear anymore, I hugged and kissed her cheeks, and I had tears in my eyes while she was still crying...
I met Harry I looked into his eyes and asked him how much he loves me…he just smiled and hugged me, I felt warm and comfort, I told him to kiss me, he kissed me and that was the most romantic kiss ever I can still feel that in my veins (smiles) , I knew... it will either be the last kiss or a forever one…I shared the truth about my mother…He was quite , he did not say a word but suddenly he was laughing and said so what … everything is fine Don’t worry!!! I was feeling relaxed that Harry has accepted the truth and still loves me…when I was weaving my thoughts he just said that he had to leave coz’ he had some meetings scheduled…
He was just walking away waving his hand...When I realized he did not kiss me “GOODBYE”...I called...Wait Harry "Will you not kiss me Goodbye…" He just smiled and rushed into his car...my eyes were moist…I got my answer….
I came home to my mom…Now I knew from within and was confident, that someday if I had to choose between my Mother and him….It will be my mom...I love you MOM!