This is the ideal home for someone looking for a quite retreat near Padebettu, not too far from the city but away from the noise and pollution. The house itself is tiled and constructed in the perfect karnatakan style, and white washed with natural lime, a local product. The small garden slopes gently away into the backwaters. The farmland around the house has coconuts, areca nuts, and 12 varieties of mango, pepper, pineapple, mangroves and various medicinal plants. The floor on the entrance is wiped with dung. Our most prized possession is a 1000 year Black Rock Mountain called “Bramha Pada” locally, the miracle of God, people in the village worship this wonder! From here you can watch the half of the Karnataka city. Walk a few steps through the lush green coconut garden, sit by the backwaters in tranquillity and peace, or take a boat on the water to a neighboring village and learn about crabs, prawns and copra making. See men climbing the coconut palms and learn how the local brew is made and even taste it!
There are so many enchanting and true stories about this beautiful place.You can hire a 3 wheeled cheaper Auto rickshaw and travel around the village or get a glimpse You can still travel a long way spare a day with the Mukaali (the one who looks after the temple) family living in a 500 year old Padebettu house and listen to their stories and beliefs and visit their family temple and Sacred grove with its snake God and Kumara the idol god. The villagers believe & worship him a lot.
If you again wish to meet and experience other home stay families and surroundings at entirely different destinations in Karnataka I can guide you, indeed!The rustic charm of this village ambience is sure to leave an indelible impression as you say goodbye .
How this holiday makes a difference
Ours is the first and the only Backwater Home stay in this village and in Udipi. The people are very friendly and helpful – this is a home away from home where you can enjoy and really get to know a local family and community. You will experience a backwater destination far from the normal tourist trail, and we only offer two double rooms to preserve the livelihoods of the host family & villagers, and the environment.
The house and the premises are preserved and maintained by using local material and local workmen. The house itself is tiled and constructed in the true Karnatakan Indian style. The fish, prawn, crab, coconut oil, vegetables, and fruit are all produced locally. The farmland around the house has coconuts, areca nuts, mangoes, pepper, pineapple, jackfruit and mangroves, and various medicinal plants.